Capacity building agenda on joint programming in the circular economy. An instructional design approach

In the CICERONE project, we developed a capacity-building agenda as part of a collaborative framework by using triangulation of different methods, including input from programme officers and a series of sensemaking sessions organised to discuss different aspects of the agenda and align them with the MOOC, the Policy Toolkit and the Roadmap respectively. This strategic framework follows an improvement pathway logic where gaps and opportunities are addressed through a combined multi-level capacity development and instructional design model that allows for a tailored and contextualised approach to deliver actionable knowledge and ensure the best possible match between programme owner needs and available resources.

Download the report CICERONE Strategic Agenda for Institutional Capacity Building HERE

EEA Report Sustainability transitions: policy and practice

I was invited to contribute to the discussion on science-policy-practice interface with a group of experts on sustainability transitions and EU Policy as part of the work of the European Environmental Agency.

The result is a report aimed to go beyond theoretical discussions to explore the practical implications of transitions research for policy and practice, building on the insights from past assessments. It highlights the growing links to established EU policy frameworks and identifies how transitions thinking is being operationalised at different scales across Europe. Co-authored by leading experts in transitions studies, the report has also benefited strongly from interactions with EEA partners in multiple policy areas at a workshop co-hosted with the European Commission’s European Political Strategy Centre in July 2018.

Link to the report

Circular Cities project. A step forward on using road mapping for policymaking in urban development

The Circular Cities project has helps multiple actors to identify the effects, both positive and negative, of incorporating circularity into urban planning instruments, as well as how these can be assessed. The outcomes are meant to help policymakers, investors, businesses, consumers and civil society to find the most promising transition pathways.

We have gathered the lesson learn a visual document.

Visioning for the biomass sector. Fostering local development through participatory processes

Javier de Vicente López, Cristian Matti and José Jiménez Pérez

This document summaries the results obtained as a result of the participatory process that is part of the “Foundations for a Provincial Strategy Biomass” in the province of Castellon.
These actions are ultimately aimed at laying the foundations for sustainable biomass strategy, which included the set of actors in the territory and the entire value chain that the use of biomass genera.La idea behind all the participatory process It is incorporating the different viewpoints, knowledge and experience of all actors in the work of treating biomass as “an element to assess forest biomass” capable of “generating economic wealth, clean energy and employment, especially in the interior villages helping the development of these rural areas. ”

Download report here: Report Biomass Castellon – Participatory methods 2015 (in Spanish)

Methodologies for national and regional statistics in Argentina

 Survey and fieldwork methods  – National economic census 2004/2005 Argentina

During 2004-2005 I had the opportunity of join the National economic Census in Argentina. I was appointed as regional methodological chief for many different municipalities across the province of Buenos Aires, the biggest and richest region in Argentina.

Census regionsTwo of these municipalities were part of the biggest concentration of population in Argentina: Avellaneda and Lanus while the other were located in the south of Buenos Aires place of the most important agricultural activity.  This was a first experience on professional training but also as chief of a big team as I was in charge of the training of regional coordinators and regional trainers (i.e. methodological issues on gathering information, survey management and human resource recruitment and management) but also the methodological supervisor during all the project. Thousands of kilometres later, I had carried out selection process, training, coordination and supervision of more than 50 professionals who were at the same time in charge of more than 200 pollster. The experience was great and the results has changed the perception of the regional economy. (Here some results)

Regional business directory and economic demography

Conceptual and methodological proposal on a regional business directory for studies on economic demography

This working paper was drawn from an analysis of two main resources: the design and operation history directory companies “DIPUE system” and international experiences directories and business demographics. In this document the new model of Directory of Economic Units of the Province of Buenos Aires was proposed. It was aimed to improve the systematization of information, access to it and generate new statistical products for the public and private sector. Its content serves as basis for the preparation of the Procedures Manual and, in turn guide the planning of tasks to implement changes and any discussions on future applications, such as the Geographic Information Systems.

Download working paper here: Business Directory Methods Cristian Matti_2006 (Spanish)

UNFCC and Climate Change mitigation measures in Argentina

Second National Communication of the Argentina to the United Nation Convention for the Climate Change

The project was a mayor advance for Argentina in term of the design and evaluation of technological and non-technological measures to mitigate the effect of climate change. It was funded by the World Bank and supervised by experts of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and delegates of United Nation Convention for the Climate Change (UNFCC).

This project was my first multidisciplinary experience. I joined multidisciplinary teams of architect, engineers, and geographers, GIS experts and sociologist to explore different projects and policy measures in two exiting areas: transport and energy efficiency in building. I have learnt a lot on methodologies for project evaluation and estimation of CO2 emissions but I also got a critical view of the economist in this kind of analysis.
The experience boosted my enthusiasm to learn more on multi-inter-trans and cross disciplinary studies on climate change. It was the seed and then, I started to think in Europe.

UNFCC website – Full document (Spanish)

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